What Happens When You Hire an Asbestos Testing & Abatement Company

What Happens When You Hire an Asbestos Testing & Abatement Company

Asbestos is a dangerous carcinogenic building material, and inhaling or ingesting it may lead to various health problems, such as mesothelioma and asbestosis. While asbestos isn't banned in the U.S., it has very limited use today. However, many buildings constructed before the 1990s still have asbestos-containing materials (ACM), posing a danger to the public. If you suspect your building contains this material, you may need to hire a professional asbestos testing and abatement company. Call Lydale Property Restoration for a consultation!

Why Hire Asbestos Testing & Abatement Company?

When asbestos is left in its proper condition, undisturbed, and concealed behind walls, it may not pose any danger to building occupants. However, water damage or any disturbance due to renovations, vandalism, or fire hazard can affect asbestos-containing materials and expose your family members or employees to severe health hazards. 

Asbestos is typically found in older building materials used in the 1990s and prior, such as:

  • Popcorn Ceilings
  • Ceiling Tiles
  • Roof Tiles, Siding, Shingles, and Stucco
  • Joint and Drywall Compounds 
  • Floor Tiles and Adhesives
  • Attic Insulation, Furnaces, and Pipes

If you notice damage to any of these components, it's vital to avoid touching the materials and vacate the property immediately. Numerous studies indicate that exposure to asbestos substance can cause issues such as asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Some of the outstanding benefits of hiring a certified asbestos testing and abatement company include the following:

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Proper Equipment to Ensure Safety

Asbestos disturbance can pose a danger to your family members and neighbors. Instead of risking everyone's life with DIY abatement, it's best to hire a professional asbestos testing and abatement company. They use the state-of-the-art equipment and the right techniques to ensure safety remediation. Their skilled technicians don't compromise on the quality of services and will ensure the dangers posed by asbestos don't reoccur. By using the latest tools, they can also do their job swiftly and efficiently.

Proper Insurance and Licenses

Professional asbestos testing and abatement companies have proper insurance and licenses to operate and provide abatement services. They carry public liability insurance to ensure that the contractor and the homeowner are protected from any financial loss if anything goes wrong during asbestos removal. Additionally, they carry workers' compensation insurance to protect their employees in case of an accident while working on your property.

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Experienced and Trained Professionals

Asbestos abatement is highly regulated and requires highly trained and certified technicians to do the job right the first time. Asbestos testing and abatement companies have the equipment and expertise to keep everyone in your home or business safe while they remove and dispose of asbestos-based building materials. They also follow up asbestos removal service with thorough air quality testing to ensure your building is safe for occupation.

Proper Waste Disposal Services

A professional asbestos testing and abatement company will not leave your property littered with debris and other waste products. They offer proper waste disposal services to ensure you don't have to spend extra money hiring someone for waste disposal. These professionals also use appropriate equipment to remove asbestos and seal the areas properly to avoid recurrence. Once they complete all the work, they will clean waste from the area of operation and dispose of them appropriately to relieve your stress.

Quick Asbestos Abatement 

A professional asbestos testing and abatement company can work swiftly and efficiently to complete the task in no time. As a result, they can quickly restore comfort, relief, and a sense of security with minimal disruption to your normal routine.

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Large Loss Capability

Experienced asbestos abatement companies have extensive experience managing large loss scenarios in single-family, multifamily, and commercial settings. Their senior project managers offer skillsets, knowledge, and management tools to handle large losses efficiently and cost-effectively. They can easily collaborate with clients, architects, engineers, and consultants to fast-track claim management from the onset of the claim until completion.

Always Work with a Certified Asbestos Testing & Abatement Company!

Asbestos is dangerous and requires a skilled team for safe remediation. We have experience in this area and service properties of all sizes, from single dwellings to multimillion-dollar complexes. Our asbestos testing and abatement company is also insured with an Environmental Package for Contractors, ensuring safe and efficient removal. We offer a 2-day course for all workers engaged in asbestos abatement to ensure safe removal in emergency situations for both residential and commercial buildings. Contact us today to schedule your asbestos removal service!

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