How Fire Damage Restoration Services Can Help Your Business Recover After a Fire

How Fire Damage Restoration Services Can Help Your Business Recover After a Fire

A fire incident can leave behind extensive smoke and soot damage to your office building. Sprinkler systems or firefighter hoses used to put out the fire can also result in potential water damage to the structure and contents of your building. No matter how minor or major the fire was, it is obviously a traumatic situation for any business owner. It's, therefore, important to create a recovery plan after fire damage to help you get your business back to its pre-inferno operational conditions with minimal downtime. If you find yourself in this situation, call Lydale’s fire damage restoration services!

Why Hire Fire Damage Restoration Services?

It's hard to predict the extent of fire damage until a professional fire restoration company thoroughly assesses the property. And since there is always the potential for structural damage after fire damage, avoid re-entering the building until it's declared safe for you and your employees. A certified fire damage restoration service will record the scope of the damage with photo documentation, which you can submit to your insurance company for compensation.

You want to work with a fire damage restoration services with HEPA-certified equipment and proper protective gear. They offer smoke and soot removal, dry cleaning, stain removal from walls and carpets, and chemical removal. And suppose there is any water left as a result of firefighting efforts. In that case, the remediation company will eliminate it before it triggers mold issues and contaminates the air quality in your business premises.

Other benefits of hiring fire damage restoration services to help your business after a fire include the following:

1. Eliminate Odors to Prevent Long-lasting Damage

Soot and smoke odors can linger far longer after restoring the visible damage to your structure. Odor removal is just as necessary as soot and ash residue removal for your business property. Professional deodorization and remediation will help stabilize the environment and promote the physical and mental well-being of your tenants, employees, or clients.

Established fire damage restoration services also use HEPA-certified vacuum filters, cleaning chemicals, and air scrubbers to achieve full deodorization. Proper odor removal will effectively disinfect every area of your property and avert further contamination that could pose health and safety hazards.

2. Recover Salvageable Items

Professional fire damage restoration services can help recover contents that are essential for your business operations, including files, merchandise, electronics, and documents. Pack-out services can be a time-consuming post-fire remediation process, and you need skilled technicians with a tracking system for all contents you want to be packed out and restored. They will also thoroughly document all contents before and after fire restoration for your insurance claim purposes.

Experienced restoration experts will quickly pack and remove all contents from the damaged site, increasing your odds of achieving full restoration. They will also provide timely support with sorting, packing, removal, storing, and restoring contents during the post-fire restoration process.

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3. Save Fire-damaged Electronics & Data

Sometimes a fire can damage your paper documents, books, vital records, data, or electronic office equipment. You need fire damage restoration services available on a 24/7 basis to help save these vital resources. They can implement state-of-the-art technologies and techniques to help you achieve pre-fire conditions and resume business operations sooner. A good restoration company may also conduct microbial disinfecting and digital converting services to salvage your contents. 

If there is extensive smoke, soot, or water damage to your contents, your restoration company may use freeze-drying, irradiation, conversion technologies, or ultrasonic separation to restore materials quickly and effectively. Speak with your disaster solutions company to learn which services best suit your post-fire recovery needs.

4. Demolition and Debris Removal 

Expansive fire damage to your business may likely call for demolition and debris removal to revitalize and restore your facility and business operations. Both fire and water damage can create instability, such as collapsing roofs, damaged walls and flooring, and cracked foundations. A professional fire damage restoration service can evaluate your structural framing after fire damage to ensure your structure will not experience stability issues and safety liabilities in the future. Quick and effective structural repairs and reconstruction will help limit downtime and revenue loss.

Suppose the restoration process included the demolition of structures, footings, carports, hardscape, landscape, infrastructure, driveways, and electrical, mechanical, or plumbing reconstruction. In that case, you'll need debris removal services to help you resume function and profitability sooner. 

Get Professional Fire Damage Restoration Services!

Fire damage can be stressful for any business owner. Working with an experienced fire damage restoration service can ensure your building is safe and ready for business as soon as possible. If you recently experienced fire damage, let our skilled fire restoration technicians inspect the facility to uncover any compromised building structures, roofing leaks, and other issues that may require prompt attention. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

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